
CIOShare utilizes a few different pricing models.

During our initial meetings we will work with you to find a best-fit for your tailored solution.

CIOShare pricing models
Check-Up + Monthly Plan

The CIOShare Check-Up+ Monthly Plan includes around the clock remote monitoring and response.

  • This proactive approach provides the greatest assurance that your computers and network will be performing optimally.
  • It enables CIOShare staff to have intimate knowledge of your IT infrastructure and prevent issues before they rise to critical levels.
  • If and when unexpected events do pop-up CIOShare is able to respond quickly through our existing agreement.
  • In addition to remote maintenance and support, the CheckUp+ Monthly Plan includes an agreed upon number of on-site or project hours each month.

CIOShare believes that this model provides the best level of support to our clients.

Defined Projects

CIOShare works with companies to define IT projects that will improve their overall IT architecture. Often these are in the form of an assessment of the current environment. This provides an opportunity for our expert staff to review what is currently in place and to provide recommendations and guidance on how to improve.